Bitcoin Halving 2024: Halving the Block Rewards sets new market impulses and could revolutionise the cryptocurrency market.

What is the bitcoin halving?

The Bitcoin network is programmed to halve the reward for mining a new block approximately every 210,000 blocks. Initially, miners were paid 50 bitcoin per block. After the first halving in November 2012, this reward was reduced to 25 bitcoin, then to 12.5 bitcoin in July 2016, and finally to 6.25 bitcoin in May 2020. The Bitcoin Halving in 2024 will reduce the reward to 3.125 Bitcoin. The next halving is scheduled for 2028.

Why is the halving important?

Halving is a central element of Bitcoin's design to control inflation. By limiting the amount of new Bitcoins created, the total supply is capped at 21 million. This makes Bitcoin a deflationary asset, unlike fiat currencies that can be printed indefinitely. Halving the supply reduces the rate of new Bitcoin production, which can lead to an increase in price if demand remains constant or increases.

Market impulses and price movements

Historically, previous halving operations have led to significant price increases. After the 2012 Halving, the price of bitcoin rose from around $12 to over $1,000 within a year. After the 2016 Halving, bitcoin experienced another surge, peaking at nearly $20,000 by the end of 2017. The most recent halving in 2020 led to a further increase in price, taking bitcoin to an all-time high of over $60,000 by the end of 2021.

This year, the halving is in the spotlight of the crypto community and is seen as a potential catalyst for new market movements. Historically, halving events have led to increased market interest and trading activity, often accompanied by short-term price fluctuations. In the long term, reduced supply inflation combined with increased interest and adoption could push bitcoin even higher.

Impact on miners and network stability

For miners, the 2024 halving means a direct reduction in their revenues. This could lead to older, less efficient mining hardware becoming unprofitable and being taken offline. This could temporarily reduce the network's hash rate, or total computing power. However, the network has always stabilised after previous halvings, with mining becoming increasingly efficient and sustainable through better hardware and renewable energy sources.

Future outlook

The 2024 bitcoin halving has the potential to change the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market once again. While the historical pattern suggests long-term price increases, short-term developments are unpredictable and can be influenced by numerous factors, including regulatory changes, technological advances and macroeconomic conditions. After the 2024 Halving, the next Halving will occur in 2028, which is already influencing the long-term planning of miners and investors. For investors, the 2024 halving remains a critical moment with both risks and opportunities. Thorough analysis and a cautious strategy are essential to take advantage of the potential benefits of the Bitcoin Halving.


The 2024 bitcoin halving remains a fascinating event in the world of cryptocurrencies and continues to attract the attention of investors, miners and crypto enthusiasts. While the exact impact on the market is difficult to predict, one thing is certain: the Halving will significantly influence the discussions and developments around bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Looking ahead to the next halving in 2028, the future of bitcoin remains exciting and dynamic.